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Training Centre members celebrate at the PRIF Mining Consortium Final Research Conference

Last week TC members had the privilege of participating in the PRIF Mining Consortium Final Research Conference at the National Wine Centre. The PRIF Mining Consortium and Training Centre research teams celebrated their hard work and achievements. The TC was strongly represented with members Brett Triffett (Think & Act Differently), Adrian Beer (METS Ignited), Simon Ratcliffe (Maptek), Chris Greet (Magotteaux), Max Zanin (MZ Minerals), Peter Dowd (TC Director), Nigel Cook (PRIF Director and TC Chief Investigator), Bill Skinner (TC Deputy Director), Dylan Peukert (TC Postdoc), Lin Yang (TC PhD Scholar) and Amalie Moller (PhD Scholar) presenting, Janine Herzig (MetVal Consulting, TC Advisory Committee), Adrian Beer (METS Ignited), Chris Greet (Magotteaux) and Simon Ratcliffe (Maptek) spoke during panel discussions, Zahra Ghasemi (TC PhD Scholar), Jingchun Zhou (TC PhD Scholar), Sultan Abulkhair (TC PhD Scholar) and Ahmadreza Khodayari (TC PhD Scholar) helped behind the scenes, whilst Ruth Shaw (TC Manager) emceed the event.

A big thank you to the PRIF Mining Consortium for involving the TC and Tatiana Khmeleva (PRIF Manager) and Nigel Cook (PRIF Director) for organising the event. The PRIF Mining Consortium has proven to be successful scientifically, and demonstrated how government, industry and investigators from the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia can work effectively together towards shared research and commercialisation goals.