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2024 Publications

Ayedzi, L.D., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., Abaka-Wood, G.B. 2024. Characterisation of a nickel sulfide concentrate and its implications on pentlandite beneficiation. Minerals, 14(4), 414.

Baizhiyen, N., Dowd, P., Xu, C., Lewis, D. 2024. Numerical investigation of the applicability of preferential grade deportment by size. Minerals, 14, 670.

Ghasemi, Z., Neshat, M., Aldrich, C., Karageorgos, J., Zanin, M., Neumann, F., Chen, L. 2024. Enhanced Genetic Programming Models with Multiple Equations for Accurate Semi-Autogenous Grinding Mill Throughput Prediction. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/CEC60901.2024.10611827

Ghasemi, Z., Neumann, F., Zanin, M., Karageorgos, J., Chen, L. 2024. A comparative study of prediction methods for semi-autogenous grinding mill throughput. Minerals Engineering, 205, 108458.

Ghasemi, G., Neshat, M., Aldrich, C., Karageorgos, J., Zanin, M., Neumann, F., Chen, L., 2024. An integrated intelligent framework for maximising SAG mill throughput: Incorporating expert knowledge, machine learning and evolutionary algorithms for parameter optimisation, Minerals Engineering, 212,108733.

King, S.A., Cook, N.J., Ciobanu, C.L., Ehrig, K., Rodriguez, Y.T.C., Basak, A., Gilbert, S. 2024. Coupled Microstructural EBSD and LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Mapping of Pyrite Constrains the Deformation History of Breccia-Hosted IOCG Ore Systems. Minerals, 14(2), 198.

Lartey C., Liu J., Asamoah R.K., Greet C., Zanin M., Skinner W. 2024. Effective Outlier Detection for Ensuring Data Quality in Flotation Data Modelling Using Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms. Minerals. 14(9): 925

Nobahar, P., Shirani Faradonbeh, R., Almasi, S.N. et al. 2024. Advanced AI-Powered Solutions for Predicting Blast-Induced Flyrock, Backbreak, and Rock Fragmentation. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration.

Pawliszak, P., Beheshti, A., Møller, A., Blencowe, A., Beattie, D.A., Krasowska, M. 2024. Increasing surface hydrophilicity with biopolymers: a combined single bubble collision, QCM-D and AFM study, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 667, 393-402.

Peukert, D., Xu, C., Dowd, P., 2024. Validation of a PGNAA sensor model for bulk material sorting, Minerals Engineering, 217, 108950, ISSN 0892-6875,

Yang, L., Tang, D., Chen, L., Aldrich, C., Zanin, M., Peukert, D., 2024. Online mass-flow-rate measurement of high-intensity gas-conveyed particle flow for dry mineral processing, Powder Technology, 120329, ISSN 0032-5910,

2023 Publications

Abildin, Y., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., and Adeli, A. 2023. Geometallurgical Responses on Lithological Domains Modelled by a Hybrid Domaining Framework. Minerals, 13(7), 918;

Abulkhair, S., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. 2023. Geostatistics in the Presence of Multivariate Complexities: Comparison of Multi-Gaussian Transforms. Mathematical Geosciences, 55, pp. 713-734.

Chen, J., Lu, T-F., Peukert, D., Dowd, P. 2023. A numerical sensitivity study – The effectiveness of RFID-based ore tracking through a simulated coarse ore stockpile and the impacts of key process variables. Powder Technology, 429, 118939.

Dowd, P., Pardo-Iguzquiza, E. 2023. The Many Forms of Co-kriging: A Diversity of Multivariate Spatial Estimators, Mathematical Geosciences,

Hoyos, M.V., Cook, N.J., Hessel, V. 2023. Moon Resources and a Proposition for Supply Chains. In: de Zwart, M., Henderson, S., Culton, J., Turnbull, D., Srivastava, A. (eds) Human Uses of Outer Space. Issues in Space. Springer, Singapore.

Lartey, C., Skinner, W., Asamoah, R., Greet, C., Zanin, M., Liu, J. 2023. Outlier Detection in Sensed Froth Flotation Data. Minerals Engineering.

Møller, A., Beheshti, A., Skinner, W., Franks, G., Beattie, D., Krasowska, M. 2023. Hydrophobic surfaces in mineral flotation: The effect of (physical and chemical) heterogeneity on wettability and wetting film stability, pp 494 – 502. In Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, Edited by K. Wandelt and G. Bussetti.

Owusu, K.B., Skinner, W., Greet, C., and Asamoah, R.K. 2023. Acoustic sensing of fresh feed disturbances in a locked-cycle laboratory AG/SAG mill, Minerals, 13(7), article no. 868, 1-11.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E.,Montillet, J.P., Sanchez-Morales, J., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Darbehesti, N and Rodriguez-Tover, F.J. 2023. Assessing terrestrial water storage variations in southern Spain using rain fall estimates and GRACE data. Hydrology, 10 (9), 187,

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A. and Chica-Olmo. 2023. Increasing knowledge of the transmissivity field of a detrital aquifer by geostatistical merging of different sources of information. Hydrogeology Journal.

2022 Publications

Abildin, Y., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Adeli, A. 2022. A hybrid framework for modelling domains using quantitative covariates. Applied Computing and Geosciences, 16, Article 100107.

Abulkhair, S., Madani, N. 2022. Stochastic modelling of iron in coal seams using two-point and multiple-point geostatistics: A case study. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 39, 1313–1331.

Dowd P.A. 2022. Accuracy and Precision. In: Daya Sagar B.S., Cheng Q., McKinley J., Agterberg F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Cham.

Ghasemi, Z., Akbarzadeh Khorshidi, H., Aickelin, U. 2022. Multi-objective Semi-supervised clustering for finding predictive clusters. Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, 195, 116551.

Liu, X., and C. Aldrich. 2022. Deep Learning Approaches to Image Texture Analysis in Material Processing. Metals 12 (2): 355-355.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2022. The roughness of Martian topography: a metre-scale, high spatial resolution analysis. Icarus 384, 115109.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Durán-Valsero, J.J., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Heredia, J., Robledo-Ardila, P.A. 2022. Geodiversity of closed depressions in a high relief karst: geoeducation asset and geotourism resource in the “Sierra de las Nieves” National Park (Málaga province, southern Spain). International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 10(2), 196-217.

Peukert, D., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. 2022. A Review of Sensor-Based Sorting in Mineral Processing: The Potential Benefits of Sensor Fusion. Minerals, 12(11), 1364.

Sepulveda, E., Adeli, A., Dowd, P.A., Ortiz, J.M., Abulkhair, S., Xu, C. 2022. Evaluation of multivariate Gaussian transforms for geostatistical applications, Research Square.

Wang, H., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Wang, Z. and Faulkner, L. 2022. Modelling in-situ recovery (ISR) of copper at the Kapunda mine, Australia. Minerals Engineering, 186, Article 107752.

2021 Publications

Abulkhair, S., Madani, N. 2021. Assessing heterotopic searching strategy in hierarchical co-simulation for modelling the variables with inequality constraints. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 353(1), 115-134.

Adeli, A., Dowd, P.A., Emery, X. and Xu, C. 2021. Using cokriging to predict metal recovery accounting for non-additivity and preferential sampling designs. Minerals Engineering, 170, 106923.

Chagas J.B.C., Blank, J., Wagner, M., Souza, J.F.M., and Kalyanmoy, D. 2021. A non-dominated sorting based customized random-key genetic algorithm for the bi-objective traveling thief problem. Journal of Heuristics, 27, pages 267–301

Chagas, J.B.C., Wagner, M. 2021. A weighted-sum method for solving the bi-objective traveling thief problem Computers & Operations Research, 138,

Chagas, J.B.C., Wagner, M. 2021. Efficiently solving the thief orienteering problem with a max–min ant colony optimization approach. Optimization Letters,

Forson, P., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., Asamoah, R., 2021. Differential flotation of pyrite and arsenopyrite: Effect of hydrogen peroxide and collector type. Minerals Engineering, 163, 106808

Li, Y., Sepulveda, E., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., 2021. A raprid updating method to predict grade heterogeneity at smaller scales, Mathematical Geosciences, 53(6), 1237 – 1260.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2021. Identification and delineation of the Earth’s large-scale closed terrain depressions and their fractal size-distribution. Mathematical Geosciences, 53, 1027-1045.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. Dowd, P.A. and Naor, R. 2021. Automatic mapping and spatial analysis of high spatial resolution closed terrain depressions and mounds on Martian landscapes. Icarus, Manuscript Number: ICARUS-D-21-00011R2.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2021. The mapping of closed depressions and its contribution to the geodiversity inventory. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 23 November 2021.

Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A., and Xu, C. 2021. A novel index for quantifying small-scale resource heterogeneity, Mathematical Geosciences, 54, 243 – 282.

Wang, H., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. 2021. Modelling pyrite oxidation in a refractory gold ore stockpile to estimate the gold recovery via direct cyanide leaching – A case study. Minerals Engineering, 173, 107177.

Xu, C., Dong, S, Wang, H., Wang, Z., Xiong, F., Jiang, Q., Zeng, L., Faulkner, L., Tian, Z. and Dowd, P.A. 2021. Modelling of coupled hydro-thermo-chemical fluid flow through rock fracture networks and Its applications. Geosciences, Special Issue on Quantitative Fractured Rock Hydrology, 11, 153.

Xu, C., Dowd, P.A.,Nguyen, N. and Wang, W. 2021. Non-parametric three-dimensional discrete fracture modelling from fracture mapping data. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 131 (3): 55-76. 10.21701/bolgeomin.131..005

Xu, S., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., Brito e Abreu, S., 2021. Surface chemistry of oxidised pyrite during grinding: EDTA extraction analysis. Minerals Engineering, 160, 106683

Zanin, M., Chan, E., Skinner, W., 2021. Modelling the fluidised bed in HydroFloat™ for improved process control. Powder Technology, 388, pp. 241–250

2020 Publications

Jeuken, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. 2020. Improving Coal Quality Estimations with Geostatistics and Geophysical Logs. Natural Resources Research, 29, 1-18.

Jorreto-Zaguirre, S., Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Pulido-Bosch, A. and Sanchez-Martos, F. 2020. Stochastic simulation of the heterogeneity of deltaic hydro-facies accounting for the uncertainty of facies proportions. Frontiers in Earth Sciences special edition on Stochastic Modelling in Hydrogeology.

Li, Y., Sepulveda, E., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. 2020. A Rapid updating method to predict grade heterogeneity at smaller scales. Mathematical Geosciences.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and and Telbisz, T. 2020. On the size-distribution of solution dolines in carbonate karst: Lognormal or power model? Geomorphology, 351, article 106972.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2020. Identification, delineation and morphometric analysis of closed terrain depressions on Mars. Icarus, 348.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2020. Identification and delineation of the Earth’s large-scale closed terrain depressions and their fractal size-distribution. Mathematical Geosciences.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. 2020. Fractal analysis of karst landscapes. Mathematical Geosciences, 52 (4), 543-561.

Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Rizo-Decelis, L.D. 2020. On sinkholes and galaxies: an example of fractal universality. Mathematical Geosciences, 52 (5), 639-650.

Wang, Z., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Xiong, F. and Wang, H. 2020. A non-linear version of the Reynolds equation for flow in rock fractures with complex void geometries. Water Resources Research, 56 (2), e2019WR026149.